
As knots form in the nethers
And in fear do tighten the muscles and the nerves
One struggles to breathe, despite a healthy heart a-beating
And in apprehension, do waver the senses

The light seems distant as I fall into despair
'I don't want to go back there!' cries a plaintive voice
And as I watch in dismay,
She rolls back into that dark cavern that she came from

Sobbing with broken breaths
She evades looking up
For fear of seeing the Demons
Those she thought she had long escaped
And she sobs harder
Until breaths grow tighter
And she cries out for solace

A light shines blue upon her bodice
'Oh! But where does it come from!' thought she
Only to realise-
That the light shone from within

Emboldened by the presence of her good old friend,
She looked up at last
Only to discover the Sun shining down at her
And the breeze swooping down to caress her
With birds and animals alike showing up to embrace her
And she smiled
Releasing all her woes
Happy to be among friends again

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